Infin Media Company Limited
AR Marketing Event - Hong Kong Airlines
Client: Hong Kong Airlines

Marketing event

Provided Services:

1. Augmented Reality
2. Photo Booth
3. Game Design
4. Hardware Design
5. Hardware Rental
6. Interface Design
7. Game Programming


We were commissioned to do the design and creation works in the roadshow of Hong Kong Airline. Apart from some general speeches and performances, we created a photo booth to increase the visitors’ engagement, let them experience being like a pilot and flight attendant. The participants can pick a uniform and be dressed on with the use of AR, then they can take a real photo via the connected printer as a souvenir.
industry focus 客戶行業: 運輸
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 廣告平面設計 , 戶外廣告 , 公共服務廣告 , 印刷廣告 , 廣告和PPC , 展示廣告 , 社交媒體付費廣告 , 零售品牌
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
Hong Kong Airlines
Photo Booth
Game Design
Game Development
Game Programming
Hardware Design
Interface Design