Client: Fancy Stand Limited

The original Tokyo Genza Mall was asking for a re-brand, and eMotionLab helped them on it. This is a series of rebranding video of the original Tokyo Genza Mall In Mong Kok. eMotionLAB provided the whole package, which helped the mall rebranded, renamed, and keep on promoting their brand and video production.

The video was created from still image of Mong Kok; by adding wild animals with fashionable wears, to show the audience unlikely scenes which are close to augmented reality. This core idea informed all aspects of design, from logo, branding video, interior design to the promotion advertisement latter on.
client size 客戶: Fancy Stand Limited
industry focus 客戶行業: 款待和休閒
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 網上品牌管理 , 零售品牌 , 零售環境 , 品牌名稱,商標和品牌定位 , 品牌形象指引
category 類型: 廣告類型 , 企業性質短片 , 特寫類型短片 , 推廣短片 , 聲音和音樂設計 , 視覺效果 , 影片性質
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業對消費者 , 大眾
180plusBrand Video
180plusBranding Tiger
180plusBranding Ape
180plusBranding Elephant
180plusBranding Zebra
180plusBranding Panda
180plusBranding Giraffe
180plusBranding Parrot
Brand Identity
Corporate Video
Brand Video
Hong Kong