Jump Willy
THU 2017 – The Epoch of Belief
THU 2017 – The Epoch of Belief
We’re delighted to contribute to the production of THU’s promos every year, where the quality and style level reaches new records in every edition.
THU is one of the best Digital Art events in the World.
“The Tribe stands united, stronger than ever, tied together by the unbreakable bond of mutual trust and belief. All the members believe in themselves, believe in each other, believe in the power of art and the possibility of a different future. We can achieve anything.
We are not going to fear the future anymore, we’re going to create it. Together. Believing in ourselves and our talent.”
INDUSTRY: Arts, Entertainment & Music
CLIENT SIZE: Enterprise
2D Animation
, Features Video
, Sound & Music Design
Hong Kong SAR
Mass Public