Jump Willy
Awarded Promotional Animation "Why Hong Kong?"
“Why Hong Kong” is an animated film, developed by Jump Willy, in partnership with Filipe Andrade (from Marvel Comics)
It was created as an in-house and non-commercial project over the summer 2014, and is our tribute to Hong Kong, to celebrate the opening of our Hong Kong studio that same year.
The project went public on the 28th of October 2014, on the International Animation Day.
The facts presented in the film were taken from official government sources, and after collecting more than 200 very interesting facts, 10 were chosen from online votes from our team outside of our Hong Kong studio, as we wanted to perceive what would stand out for people that don’t know Hong Kong.
Silver Dolphin at Cannes Corporate TV & Media Awards in Cannes/France
Gold Remi at WorldFest in USA
1º Place at Art&Tur International Tourism Film
Festival, for Best Animation
ICT Award for Animation Startup in Hong Kong
1º Prize for Best Promotional Film at Finisterra
International Tourism Film Festival
1º Prize for Best Innovation/Creative Film at Finisterra
International Tourism Film Festival
2º Prize for Best Destination Film at Finisterra
International Tourism Film Festival
CLIENT: Jump Willy
INDUSTRY: Advertising & Marketing
CLIENT SIZE: Midmarket
Web & Online Branding
, Ad Campaign
2D Animation
, 3D Animation
, Corporate Video
, Explainers Video
, Features Video
, Promotional Video
, Sound & Music Design
Hong Kong SAR
Corporate Communications