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IOIO Creative
Hong Kong Sar
We speak
Brand Development
Website UI Design
Mobile App UI Design
Key Clients:
Modern Shanghai, Dainty Model, Baby Concepts, Trial, GQG, Alva-E, Art Promotion Office, Hong Kong A&P Bookshop, Hong Kong Gallery Livi, Gulliver, Phoenix Hill, Mr.X Hong Kong, City Gallery 展城館, Shanghai China Beauty Expo, St. Bonaventure Catholic Primary School, PMQ, Nike, Shanghai Expo, Chow Tai Fook, Amway, Deutsche Bank, Hong Kong Science Museum, ChuBB 安達, AIA, Convoy, Dong Xing Securities, Google, AXA, Ulferts of Sweden (Far East)Ltd., Princess Cruises, ETS/ TOEFL/ GRE
- Hong Kong Sar
- Unit 223B, 2/F, Core Building 2, No. 1 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
- Unit 223B, 2/F, Core Building 2, No. 1 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
IOIO CREATIVE is a thriving creative solution hub assembling talented artists, designers and technicians who are transforming our creativity into a variety of practical and unique solutions unleashing the potential value of different brands.
What We Do?
Diversified in profile yet common in artistry and perseverance, our team offers a wide range of innovative solutions to cater the diversified needs of corporate brand building. Our service includes all-rounded corporate and brand analysis, innovative branding solution, meticulous execution of corporate multimedia campaigns and...
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IOIO CREATIVE is a thriving creative solution hub assembling talented artists, designers and technicians who are transforming our creativity into a variety of practical and unique solutions unleashing the potential value of different brands.
What We Do?
Diversified in profile yet common in artistry and perseverance, our team offers a wide range of innovative solutions to cater the diversified needs of corporate brand building. Our service includes all-rounded corporate and brand analysis, innovative branding solution, meticulous execution of corporate multimedia campaigns and sophisticated solution evaluation. Our one-stop approach guarantees our clients receive solutions excel in quality, consistency and comprehensiveness.
All in all, IOIO is the place where you can find surprising ideas and assuring execution being well-blended in harmony.
Our Philosophy:
To Identify the Alternatives
We believe that the curiosity to the alternatives is the foundation of every creative and innovative idea. Such alternative-oriented style of solution formulation guarantees our clients to discover the most unique market insight, acquire the most competitive strategy and hence enjoy a more substantial and sustainable commercial advantage.
Holistic Approach
Instead of a particular marketing solution or advertising strategy, we believe a successful branding relies on the corporation's orchestrated action both within and without the company. Adopting a holistic approach, we examine every corporate function and seek suitable channels, including the establishment of operation protocol and the initiation of marketing campaigns, to assist our clients in reaching their branding objectives.
From Strategy to Execution to Evaluation
Believing 'Consistency' is the basis for the successful implementation of branding strategies, we offer one-stop brand building services which include strategic planning, execution and evaluation for our clients so as to assure the whole branding solution attains the same motif from the birth to execution. -Show less
What We Do?
Diversified in profile yet common in artistry and perseverance, our team offers a wide range of innovative solutions to cater the diversified needs of corporate brand building. Our service includes all-rounded corporate and brand analysis, innovative branding solution, meticulous execution of corporate multimedia campaigns and sophisticated solution evaluation. Our one-stop approach guarantees our clients receive solutions excel in quality, consistency and comprehensiveness.
All in all, IOIO is the place where you can find surprising ideas and assuring execution being well-blended in harmony.
Our Philosophy:
To Identify the Alternatives
We believe that the curiosity to the alternatives is the foundation of every creative and innovative idea. Such alternative-oriented style of solution formulation guarantees our clients to discover the most unique market insight, acquire the most competitive strategy and hence enjoy a more substantial and sustainable commercial advantage.
Holistic Approach
Instead of a particular marketing solution or advertising strategy, we believe a successful branding relies on the corporation's orchestrated action both within and without the company. Adopting a holistic approach, we examine every corporate function and seek suitable channels, including the establishment of operation protocol and the initiation of marketing campaigns, to assist our clients in reaching their branding objectives.
From Strategy to Execution to Evaluation
Believing 'Consistency' is the basis for the successful implementation of branding strategies, we offer one-stop brand building services which include strategic planning, execution and evaluation for our clients so as to assure the whole branding solution attains the same motif from the birth to execution. -Show less
Brand Development
Website UI Design
Mobile App UI Design
Micro business (less than 5 employees)
Small and Medium-sized enterprises (6 - 50 employees)
Corporates (Over 50 employees)
Advertising & Marketing
Business Services
Financial Services
Information Technology
2Easy Select - IOIO Creative - Interactive exhibition with VR 互動展覽配合虛擬實境
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IOIO Creative是一間提供互動展覽設計、策劃和虛擬實境體驗服務的公司。現時市面上能做到把草圖轉化成3D立體,而再提供虛擬實境體驗的公司為數不多,而虛擬實境體驗在香港仍屬較新的市場,開始受眾人矚目。此外,IOIO Creative更成功把傳統的活動展覽結合新科技虛擬實境體驗,與參觀者進行互動,使活動展覽更具趣味和吸引力。
IOIO Creative is a company provides graphic design and planning of interactive exhibition and VR (Virtual Reality) experience services. Companies that create 3D content and VR from sketch can hardly be found in Hong Kong. VR is still a new experience in Hong Kong. IOIO Creative integrates VR in exhibition and expo successfully, improves interaction with visitors. Exhibitions become more attractive than ever. -Show less
IOIO Creative is a company provides graphic design and planning of interactive exhibition and VR (Virtual Reality) experience services. Companies that create 3D content and VR from sketch can hardly be found in Hong Kong. VR is still a new experience in Hong Kong. IOIO Creative integrates VR in exhibition and expo successfully, improves interaction with visitors. Exhibitions become more attractive than ever. -Show less
2Easy Select - IOIO Creative - Interactive exhibition with VR 互動展覽配合虛擬實境
IOIO Creative是一間提供互動展覽設計、策劃和虛擬實境體驗服務的公司。現時市面上能做到把草圖轉化成3D立體,而再提供虛擬實境體驗的公司為數不多,而虛擬實境體驗在香港仍屬較新的市場,開始受眾人矚目。此外,IOIO Creative更成功把傳統的活動展覽結合新科技虛擬實境體驗,與參觀者進行互動,使活動展覽更具趣味和吸引力。
IOIO Creative is a company provides graphic design and planning of interactive exhibition and VR (Virtual Reality) experience services. Companies that create 3D content and VR from sketch can hardly be found in Hong Kong. VR is still a new experience in Hong Kong. IOIO Creative integrates VR in exhibition and expo successfully, improves interaction with visitors. Exhibitions become more attractive than ever.
IOIO Creative is a company provides graphic design and planning of interactive exhibition and VR (Virtual Reality) experience services. Companies that create 3D content and VR from sketch can hardly be found in Hong Kong. VR is still a new experience in Hong Kong. IOIO Creative integrates VR in exhibition and expo successfully, improves interaction with visitors. Exhibitions become more attractive than ever.